Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mother's Day

It is the best day of the year.I used to be so into birthdays. but nothing compares to Mother's Day anymore. (In two years, my birthday is on Mother's Day!) There is just something so peaceful and calm on this day that everyone shows love to the woman that they call mother. Jon made this a fantastic mother's day for me. He knows how much I love picnics and that is all I asked for. I do not need gifts... I just want to spend time with my family. we went to Rip Van Winkle Gardens and had our picnic on the lake. Finn snoozed by the lake while Jon and I sipped on mimosas. My heart was very full. I am so very thankful that I was able to have a child, and a pretty darn good one if I must say so myself! The only thing I wished is that Jon and I could spend Mother's Day with our own moms. Now that I have my own child, I respect every single thing that mom did for me. It is hard being a mom sometimes, yet very rewarding. I can't imagine how hard it will be in the teenage years.

Mother's Day Flowers
The tree when first pulling in to Rip Van Winkle Gardens
Mimosas while Finn slept!
Finn loved the peacocks everywhere!
Little guy was camera shy. It was time for bed.

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