So many of our friends that have children get babysitters all the time. I don't like getting sitters. I like to be with Finn whenever we possibly can. I know it is important that Jon and I spend time just us two, but I think we both like time as a family. It may be different if we had family that could keep him instead of getting a sitter. My sister and brother in law live here, but when we want to do things without Finn, it is usually with them. We are getting one for Valentine's Day for a few hours so we can go to the movies. I am so glad that we found a dependable one!
We have so many plans for the weekend! I was supposed to keep Cyrus tonight, but they decided to take him to whatever they were doing instead. I wanted to do some valentine's day crafts with the boys, but I guess that will have to wait. Finn helped daddy outside this afternoon and loved walking through the water and mud. I hope he is finally getting a little more adventurous!
He loved walking through the water. |
Helping Daddy. |
Go Finn! I wish I lived closer so I could keep him for you!