Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Constant Change

I worry a lot. That I am not doing enough for Finn's development, both mentally and physically. I worry that I can't keep up with the Pinterest moms and stay at home moms that keep their house sparkling clean, get a well-rounded dinner on the table, go to the park and play, and still have their kids in bed by 7 or 8 at night. How is a working mom (and dad) supposed to do that?? I feel that we do lots of things well and provide for our son the best way we can, but I still worry.

Here is just a sample of the thoughts that run through my mind every single day...
Does he eat enough vegetables and fruit? Am I brushing his teeth good enough? Does he need more outside play time? Should I read more books to him? Should I lead him in his play time to show him how to do things like put puzzles together or should I let him explore on his own? Does he have too much technology in his life? Are we handling his tantrums and crying in the correct way to make him a well-mannered boy?
Does every mom and dad feel this way? Or is it just because he we are first time parents? Hell, I know he will end up a good kid, but I want to do everything that I possibly can to push him to be as good as he can be. Not only to be smart, but to be kind.

Jon often tells me that I am too hard on "us" as parents. That I never give us enough credit, which I believe to be true. I think we have made him such a great child so far, but I want it to continue, which means we have to keep changing ourselves as parents to give him what he needs. Changing the way we interact with him if it is not working, changing the amount of time we spend watching tv at night vs. reading him books, changing the way we talk in front if him because he is very into imitating us, etc. He is in constant change and we should be too.

Anyway... I went off on a tangent there, but is it normal to worry about all these things? I tried to make a few changes to our routine tonight which consisted of letting Finn pick out two books for Jon and I to read to him. He loved every second of it!
This boy loves spaghetti!

Book time with daddy before bed.


  1. Completely normal! We all have these thoughts! But you are a GREAT mother and Finn and Jon are both VERY lucky fellows! In fact, you inspire me a lot to do certain things. Just keep spending time with him....that's all that really matters, the other stuff will fall into place naturally. Love ya sis!

  2. I need the blushing smiley face emoji from my phone. Thanks Becks! Love ya lots! :)
