Saturday, February 21, 2015

Raising an Independent Boy

We went to the park today even though Finn was not feeling himself at all. I gave him medicine right before we left so that it would be in his system while we were there. He seemed to be in a fairly good mood as we watched a boy around his age run all around the playground. I found out that this little boy was 18 months old (4 months younger than Finn). This boy was climbing all over the playground equipment and would even climb up a ladder to the biggest slide in the park . Finn would not climb up one step to get to the smallest slide. This got me thinking... How do I push him to take more chances and to be more independent? I feel like he is such a mama's boy in certain situations and he wants me to do so much for him. He has been a cautious little boy from day 1. He never really falls because he watches where he is going, he has never (knock on wood) gotten hurt because he doesn't put himself in the situation to get hurt. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I can let him play and I am not afraid that he will hurt himself or he will run off. But, I do want him to be a boy and take chances that normal little boys make. I don't think that Finn will ever be the boy who falls off the playground equipment and break his arm (not that I want him to), but I want him to be adventurous. Any tips on guiding him to be more independent?

We are excited for daddy to come home tonight! His boys are doing very good in the state tournament, so the later he gets home, the better the boys did. I went to the store to go make a good home-cooked meal for him tomorrow! It will be my first attempt at red beans and rice! It will probably be a very lazy Sunday.

King of the Slide (that I had to put him on because he refused to climb the steps)

He doesn't look sick at all!

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